Chapter 1: Introduction to Python

"Today we will be discussing a popular programming language - Python."

Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has since become a widely-used language for a variety of applications, including web development, software development, mathematics, and system scripting.

What can Python do for you?

It has the capability to be utilized on a server for creating web applications, as well as integrating with software to create efficient workflows. It can also interface with database systems and manipulate files. Python's versatility extends to handling large amounts of data and performing complex mathematical operations. Whether you're looking for rapid prototyping or full-scale software development, Python has got you covered.

So why choose Python?

For starters, it is platform-independent, working seamlessly across various operating systems like Windows, Mac, Linux, and even Raspberry Pi. It boasts a simple and intuitive syntax, making it easier to learn and use than many other programming languages. Additionally, Python's interpreted system allows for quick prototyping and immediate execution of code. Furthermore, it offers the flexibility of being used in a procedural, object-oriented, or functional style.

Python Version 3, make sure to use it

It's important to note that the latest version of Python is version 3, which we will be using in our tutorial. Although Python 2 is still widely used, it is not being updated with new features and is only receiving security updates. During our tutorial, we will be writing Python in a text editor, but you may find using an Integrated Development Environment such as Thonny, Pycharm, Netbeans, or Eclipse to be beneficial when managing larger collections of Python code.

Finally, let's touch upon Python's syntax.

It is designed for readability, with a syntax that resembles the English language and is influenced by mathematics. Instead of using semicolons or parentheses, Python relies on new lines to complete commands. It also uses whitespace to define scope through indentation, as opposed to the curly brackets used in other programming languages.