Bitwise Algorithms

Bitwise algorithms are algorithms that perform operations on individual bits in a binary representation of numbers. These algorithms are used in computer science and cryptography to perform low-level operations, such as binary addition, binary subtraction, binary multiplication, binary division, and bit shifting, as well as more complex operations, such as bitwise operations on sets, compression, and encryption.

Some common examples of bitwise algorithms include:

Bitwise AND, OR, XOR, and NOT: These are basic bitwise operations that perform logical operations on individual bits in a binary representation of numbers.

Bitwise Shift: This is an operation that shifts the binary representation of a number left or right by a specified number of bits.

Bit Masking: This is an operation that uses a bit mask to extract or set specific bits in a binary representation of a number.

Bit Counting: This is an operation that counts the number of set bits in a binary representation of a number.

Two's Complement: This is a representation of negative numbers in binary, which allows for binary arithmetic operations on signed numbers.

Bitwise algorithms are used in a variety of applications, including computer graphics, computer hardware design, cryptography, and data compression. Due to their low-level nature, bitwise algorithms can be more efficient than other algorithms, but they can also be more difficult to understand and implement.