Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

"Behavioral design pattern that is used to decouple the sender of a request from its receiver."

The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that is used to decouple the sender of a request from its receiver. In this pattern, multiple objects are linked together in a chain and each object is responsible for handling the request if it can, or forwarding it to the next object in the chain if it cannot.

The main goal of the Chain of Responsibility pattern is to avoid having the sender of a request know about the receiver, and to allow the objects in the chain to be changed dynamically. This makes the system more flexible, as new objects can be added or removed from the chain, and the behavior of the system can be modified without changing the code of the sender or receiver.

To implement the Chain of Responsibility pattern, you need to define an interface that specifies the behavior of the objects in the chain. Each object in the chain should have a reference to the next object in the chain, and should implement the logic for handling the request or forwarding it to the next object.

When a request is sent, it starts at the first object in the chain and is processed by each object in turn. If an object can handle the request, it does so and the chain stops. If the object cannot handle the request, it forwards it to the next object in the chain.

The Chain of Responsibility pattern is useful in situations where you have a complex processing logic and you want to decouple the sender from the receiver. It can also be used when you want to allow for changes in the processing logic without affecting the sender or receiver.

In summary, the Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows multiple objects to handle a request by linking them together in a chain. The objects in the chain are decoupled from the sender and receiver, and can be changed dynamically, making the system more flexible and adaptable.