Single Responsibility Design Pattern

"Every module, class, or function should have only one reason to change."

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is a design pattern in computer programming that states that every module, class, or function should have only one reason to change. This means that each module should have a well-defined responsibility, and that responsibility should be encapsulated within the module.

The Single Responsibility (SRP) is a key principle of object-oriented programming, and is part of the SOLID design principles. It helps to improve code maintainability by reducing coupling between modules, and making the code easier to understand, test, and modify.

When following the SRP, each module should be responsible for a specific aspect of the system, and should not have multiple responsibilities that are likely to change independently. For example, a module that handles user input should not also be responsible for handling data storage.

By following the SRP, developers can create code that is easier to maintain, and less prone to bugs. This makes it easier to add new features, and to fix existing bugs, without introducing new issues into the system.

In summary, the SRP helps to create modular and scalable systems, by ensuring that each module has a clear, well-defined responsibility. This makes the code easier to understand, maintain, and modify, and improves the overall quality of the code.